Most online cash lenders say they offer fast, customer-oriented services. However, what these lenders actually deliver can be very different from what they advertise.
Cash Link USA is another type of online cash lender. Therefore, you might be wondering how our team differs from the competition. Before you apply for any type of loan, it is essential to understand who you’re getting into business with!
The Process At Cash Link Is Easy
One way our team at Cash Link USA separates ourselves from the competition is the way we do business. That said, we make it incredibly easy to get traditional payday loans.
Here are the basic steps you must take to receive a loan from Cash Link USA:
- Fill out our online application
- Get approved by our team (the approval process is much faster than other lenders)
- Get the cash you need (your money is deposited directly in your bank account)
As you can see, our streamlined process isn’t complicated at all. We understand that if you need money, the last thing you want to do is jump through unnecessary hoops.
Cash Link USA Is Trustworthy Compared To Online Cash Lenders
Another reason Cash Link is better than other lenders is that our company is trusted and reputable. For example, we have an excellent Trustpilot score (about 4.5 out of 5 stars) based on thousands of verified customer reviews.
Additionally, Cash Link is a state-trusted lender (in certain states). Therefore, you can trust that when you do business with us, you will be treated fairly and with respect.
Even if you have a low credit score, that won’t impact your ability to borrow with us at Cash Link USA. Rather, our team of professionals will help you build a repayment plan that works for your needs!
What Are Signs Of A Bad Lender?
It is vital to understand the signs of a bad lender (there are plenty of them out there). That said, the primary signs to look out for include the following:
- There is no application process
- The lender is not registered in your state
- The website isn’t secure
- They have guaranteed approval (will lend money to anyone regardless of any financial factors)
- The sales team pressures you to take out more money than you need
- The company is not transparent about their fees
- There are no reviews, or the reviews that exist are poor
- The company doesn’t have any accolades or accreditations
When looking for a cash lender online, the easiest thing to look out for is a secure website and responsive customer service.
A Variety Of Loan Types
Finally, Cash Link USA distinguishes ourselves from other online lenders because we offer various types of loans. For example, we offer both installment loans and line of credit loans. Most online lenders only offer one type of loan.
With an installment loan, customers receive all their cash at one time and repay it by making equal payments over a designated period. Each payment has the principal amount plus interest.
On the other hand, a line of credit loan is emergency cash when you need it most. As you continue to make payments on this loan, you can borrow more money (up to your specific credit limit).
What States Does Cash Link USA Serve?
Cash Link USA is currently a state-licensed lender in the following states:
- Kansas
- Missouri
- Wisconsin
- Texas
- Tennessee
Lending rules and regulations vary slightly based on each state. So, it is important to check with one of our representatives about the laws in your state before signing any paperwork.
Are You Tired Of Reviewing Online Cash Lenders?
There is an array of cash lenders out there, so knowing what differentiates one from the other is critical information. At Cash Link USA, we separate ourselves from the competition by:
- Offering various kinds of loans
- Being a trusted cash lender
- Making the lending process simple
So, if you’re tired of browsing through online cash lenders trying to find the best one, contact us at Cash Link USA today and get the money you need!